Friday, January 4, 2013

Blog #55- Steel, germs, and guns

The book Steel, Germs, and guns shows the why some cultures developed so much faster than other cultures. The main reason is location. Like different animals to domesticate, different plants. Another reason is that if a culture lives a farming life, they can support more people, have more food, not have to worry about food, thus making them better a surviving. That in farmland was acre of wheat and sheep holds more food than one acre of forest. Since they didn’t have to worry they could start to think, and start focusing on different things besides just food, they could develop.
The author of this book is Jared Diamond. He is a very smart man, he is so smart that when he wants to learn something, he learns it and becomes top in the field while he is at it. He has been awarded the MacArthur Foundation Fellowship (Genius Award). He is mainly interested in birds though. He became interested with the different cultures when he was bird watching in Papa New Guinea. He has made 22 expeditions to New Guinea to study the evolution of birds. He has written many books, and each one has caused controversy since they state very interesting facts.

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