Friday, November 30, 2012

Blog #46- Economy

We finished the video, finally in Human Geo. We finished the whole Brigs and Stratton part and moved to the next part of the video. It started with a little Chinese woman talking about her husband and daughter. That her husband spent almost all the time drunk, and she didn’t really like him. The only reason she stays is because of their daughter. They sped half of their yearly income which is about 300 for school. They are farmers who work with Lotus Roots. They will sell about 120 pounds of Lotus root for 10 American dollars or so. Then they transitioned to the next family. They showed that it is a Chinese family that lives in the USA, and the father works for CDC or some organization like that in the US. He then decided to go into a private practice to find a cure for AIDS. He set up shop in China why because it is cheap of course. These are just examples of the Chinese Economy. 

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Blog #45- The Chinese

. We frankly didn’t learn very much in Human Geo again. We spent a good 3/4th of the class just doing story time. So then we finally got to the movie, we learned a little bit. We talked about how Walmart’s stock is mainly made in China. So when the woman was complain about how she lost her Job to the Chinese. Well little did she know, since she was shopping at Walmart she was helping her own downfall. Since she was buying stuff made in China, she was encouraging companies to move to China since Walmart had such a success there. Then people in China didn’t know what people in America get paid. When the one girl asked, the man didn’t tell her because I think he didn’t want her to get angry. That is all she knows, and if that is all she will be doing for a good long while, best not make it even worse for her.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Blog #44- Discussion

Well today in Human Geo we didn’t really get much farther into the video, we just watch a old part and explain greatly. One thing that we covered it how there are chain reactions. The first chain reaction is say a company closes. So then you have the people who work in the factory out of work. So they want to save money. So then the restaurants as an example will lose money since they the people are trying to save money. So then the restaurant loses money and closes. So then just from the one factory closing, 300 people without work could turn into 1000 in a blink of an eye. This is a terrible thing but could you blame them. The company is saving so much money that if you were to look at it, you would be stupid not to do it. 

Monday, November 26, 2012

Blog #43-Capitalism at its finest.

Well we are back after our very restful 5 day weekend. I miss that weekend greatly. Well we talked a little bit about how there will be an assembly tomorrow. Then we later talked about how their will be a cease fire between Israel and Palestine though it may not last that long. Then we talked about how the new Egyptian Leader is starting to become more of dictator than a leader. So then we moved to our new section of economical geography. So of course the first country we talked about was China and how Jobs are being outsourced. Also women in China get paid 2 dollars a day, while men get paid 4 dollars a day. People hated their jobs there but if they quit, 5000 people will be ready to take their Job gladly. Their jobs look horrible, something they no one wants to do in America.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Blog #42- All the Test

Well do today in Human Geo we had a test. We had to turn in the paper that we wrote on the weekend. Some people didn’t do the paper right, which I found pretty funny. In my opinion I thought that it was pretty easy. I didn’t use my blog for the quiz. I could have used it, but I knew all the answers in my head. The test was basically the same as the other tests we took but some of the questions were new. The questions about the countries were ok. They were like my country is so and so. Then other ones showed the country and you had to label it with the leaders’ name. It was so easy I couldn’t believe it. I hope I did well because if I didn’t and I said it was easy, I would feel like crap literally. 

Friday, November 16, 2012

Blog #41- Trouble is coming.

Well now there is some big trouble coming in the Middle East. Israel and the Gaza strip. They have been firing missiles back and forth at each other. This is now starting to become all-out war right now. Israel now has tanks at the border, and they might have a plan to invade. They say the only reason they are invading is to destroy the missile launch stations and their ammunition. This is really bad in my opinion. So if it starts to get really bad, people will have to start to pick sides. This could evolve into WWIII if things start to get really bad. I just hope Israel will back down, because if they don’t thinks will only get work. As of now the U.N. is trying to calm both of them down. But as of now there is no avail, war in imminent unless something is done soon.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Blog #40- Moved

Well we got some new seats. I assume the reason we got to pick our seats in that order, was because of grades. That is because Mason was last.  So then Mr. Schick decided to tell us about our upcoming writing assignment. The assignment was 2 pick two countries out of the 12 we have been studying. Then we have to show that their relationship with the US. I betting the easiest ones for this assignment, will be the countries that hate America and or have a bad relationship with them. One thing to note now is the new head of China. The new leader was just elected though I don’t know his name. So no more Hu Jintao. I'm probably thinking two different countries so I have enough to say. If I pick two countries that are similar equal not having enough to say. That it is what we did today.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Blog 39- The Countries


Got its independence in 1822. Before their independence they had 3 centuries of Portuguese rule. Yes they were subjects of Portugal. In the April 1500, the Portuguese arrive in South America and they claimed Brazil along with other lands. Sugar  was their main export. They started to expand west in the 16th century. Also during this time sugar exports weren't selling any more, so they started to find gold. The Spanish had to fight to ensure that the Portuguese did not steal their land.  Found in South America.

Location of  Metropolitan France  (dark green)– in Europe  (green & dark grey)– in the European Union  (green)  —  [Legend]

 France was never ruled. The earliest sign of Humans in France as 1, 800, 000 years ago.Around 7000 years ago they found signs of civilization. During the 3rd Century they form with the Germans. They were once the same tribe but they split. They than began to form a country. They conquered territories till 1947 where its borders had been permanently established.  During thee the country and its monarchy were established. He fought with other countries.19th century France was a major superpower in the world, they battle the British Empire for land and power. France ruled many countries. While under the leadership of Napoleon Bonaparte they were one of the biggest military forces in the world. France has never been conquered, though they had been occupied by many countries. Found in Europe.

Location of  Germany  (dark green)– in Europe  (green & dark grey)– in the European Union  (green)  —  [Legend]

declared it independence in the 1800's. Germany was found sometime in 1 A.D from Gaul Tribe that came from Southern Scandinavia. Then the tribe spread and split into 7 different tribe. The tribes were know as the Germanic people. Then starting in 260 A.D they started to spread and conquer more lands from the Romans.  At the end of World War 2 Germany was conquered by the Allied powers and divided into four sections, one being under the control of France, one under the US, one under Great Britain  and one under Russia The differences in how the conquering nations ruled over their sections eventually lead to the break-up of Germany into East and West Germany during the Cold War, though they are now reunited. It is found in Europe.

Area controlled by Venezuela is in dark green.Claimed but uncontrolled regions are in light green.

It is found in South America. Scientist believe that the earliest sign of Humans in Venezuela was 15,000 years ago. Than in 1522 Spain started to colonize the area. It became part of the Viceroyalty of New Granada.After a series of unsuccessful uprisings, Venezuela was under the leadership of Francisco de Miranda, a Venezuelan soldier who had fought in the American Revolution and the French Revolution declared independence on 5 July 1811. This began the Venezuelan War of Independence. Though right after they got their independence their 1st and 2nd attempts for a government failed. It wasn't until a new General came to the fight, that they finally one their Independence. They were than part of Gran Colombia until that fell, and they formed their own country just after.

It was conquered and Colonized by Spain. It was administered a the Vice royalty of New Spain. It got its independence in the early 19th century. The Spanish started to conquer Mexico in 1519. The people who lived there like the Aztecs. On September 16, 1810 Mexico declared its independence from Spain. Mexico is located in North America 

Two islands to the north-west of continental Europe. Highlighted are the larger island and the north-eastern fifth of the smaller island to the west.
United Kingdom- 

It is found in Europe. The humans first came to England 30,000 years ago. In 43 AD England was under Roman Rule for around 400 years. Then in 1066 the Normans invaded England and conquered large parts of Wales, Ireland,  and they settled in Scotland. Eventually the UK reclaimed Wales and Ireland. These areas were united my James VI or King of Scots. There was a temporary rebellion to overthrow the Monarchy but the Monarchy was restored it time. Then they created a Navel force which lead to the finding of America. Since then Britain has become a more democratic system and they are still a major world power today. They have no independence day.

Saudi Arabia-

It is found in Asia. It was founded shortly after Muhammad's death. He united the Muslim nation and after his death they started to expand and claim for land. In the 16th century the ottomans added the Red sea and the Persian Gulf coast to their empire.The first Saudi state was founded in 1744. In 1902 Abdul-Aziz bin Saud leader of the house acquired control of the first Saudi state. Then on 1926 he declared himself king of Hejaz. His family has been in control ever since.

United States

Declared independence on July 4, 1776

From the 1500s through the 1700s, they were settled and colonized by the Spanish, British, French, Dutch, Portuguese, and other European nations.  The original thirteen colonies were held by Great Britain until the Revolutionary War, after which they became the first thirteen states.  There are now 50 states in the United States.  The United States is considered the last true superpower, with the world's largest military and the world's largest economy.


Israel became an independent state on May 14, 1948

Following World War Two, the newly-formed United Nations drafted a treaty dividing up some of Palestine's land.  They established an independent Arab state and an independent Jewish state.  Many Jews emigrated to the new nation of Israel post WWII.  Creation of this new Jewish state was not universally accepted by Arabs, even though Israel was officially admitted to the UN on May 11, 1949.  There is still controversy surrounding Israel's very existence in the Middle East.


China's official date of independence is October 1, 1949.

China is one of the world's oldest civilizations.  As long ago as 221 BC, China was unified as a nation during the Qin dynasty.  They formed a republic on January 1, 1912.  The current Communist government, officially called the People's Republic of China, was formed in 1949.  

It obtained freedom Persia in 1709 and then  from Britain in 1919. They believe that the first civilization to set up was some time in 2000 B.C. They have always been a world power, since the beginning of civilization. They were also a stop for the silk road. Then in 642 A.D. Islam was introduced into the area. The Taliban has been in charge of the area until 1996 when a new government took place, and took control. As of now the United states has troops in the Area to help them defend them selves and to get rid of the Taliban.

Its Iran, who doesn't know Iran now. It was know as Persia until 1935. Then they became an Islamic Republic in 1979 when their monarchy was over thrown. It was colonized by Southern Russians in the second millennium. They were at war with the Romans for a very long time. Now in the present day they are trying to build a Nuke though they say its just "Nuclear Energy" 

Image of a globe centred on India, with India highlighted.

India-  It is one of the oldest civilizations in the world. Being founded sometime in the 3rd and 2nd Millennium. During 200-500 BCE. the Vedas "The oldest Hindu book" was written.  Than in 600 CE they started to form Monarchies. They built temples, and started to be established. In the 10th and 11th centuries they were invaded by the Turks and the Afgans. In the 16th century they the Monarchy started to make permanent foot holds int he country. They say that Modern India was sometime in the 1800's. To this day India is still growing, and in a couple of years it will be the Biggest country population-wise. 

Monday, November 12, 2012

Friday, November 9, 2012

Blog 37- SURPRISE ... you have a test

As the title says we had a "surprise" test. Mr. Schick put it on his blog yesterday when he didn't have class so everyone wasn’t prepared. Since I know Mr. Schick would have the test on the facts from out blog, I studied his blog a lot, so I hope I did well. Since I was right the stuff I studied right before it was on the test, so I was happy. The first part I think I aced because I got a hundred on the other test like it. The pack part of the test was a bit confusing. Since a lot of the facts were a little obscure. Though I think I got a good grade, and I hope at least some other people did to. I wish I had a little more time to study though since a few of them I guessed on but want can you do. So overall it wasn’t too bad, in my opinion.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Blog #36- Obama

Well today we had some different stuff. We had a shadow and we talked a little more about the government. Well for one let it be documented here, Obama won today and Mitt Lost. I just found it funny that Mitt was so cocky he didn’t write a losing speech, now on to the work. Well the first thing we talked about was how Hamid Karzai came into power after the Taliban. They had control of Afghanistan before he did. Then right after that we really stopped talking about that, and we then started to talk about politics. Mr. Schick shared his opinions like how 16 year olds should be allowed to vote, and they should get rid of the electoral votes and use the popular votes. I really don’t know if we should get rid of the electoral vote system, I see his point but I don’t know. But whatever it was an enriching class. President Obama went to an Ivy league School. And he made a Commerce Clause which does not allow the government to require people to buy health insurance, but the mandate was constitutional under the US Congress's taxing authority.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Blog #35- Teh History

We learned some pretty interesting stuff about the world leader. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said many weird things like how aids was created to weaken people, and he is a ruler.  The president of Venezuela hates America; he wanted to get into a first fight with President Bush. Even before that he tried to overthrow the Venezuelan government, but didn’t succeed he ended up in jail for 2 years. Dilma Rousseff was tortured in her 20’s and then put in jail for 2 years. Benjamin Netanyaku’s brother was killed on a hostage rescue mission and that inspired him to get into politics. Saudi Arabia’s leader Abdullah didn’t like Al’quaeda because he thought they were led by foreigners. The leader of India Pranab Mukherjee is a very smart man, who can handle money very well. He was voted the best money manager in Asia in 2010. We learned many things today, even if we can’t find the countries on a map though.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Blog 34-World Leader Traits

Enrique Penaniteo-He has tried to increase his counties security rather than attack the drug cartel. He has figured out ways to increase the private sector with using oil imports.

Hu Jintao- During the SARS outbreak in Hong Kong, he tried to cover it up until it got to big to contain. He is also the longest serving leader int he G-20 counties.

Pranab Mukherjee- He was voted the best finance manager in 1984. He removed all tax benefits from his country.

Hamid Karzai- He helped the US army in Afghanistan complete missions, he helped them. He set up a court of people to reinstate people who were removed for fraud. The taliban ran the country before him.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad- In 2012, Ahmadinejad claimed that AIDS was created by the West in order to weaken poorer countries, and repeated a previous claim that homosexual Iranians did not exist. He has also described gays as "thieves" and "ugly"

benjamin Netanyahu- He cut all special forces from the military but he raised the budget by 6%. Though the military wont be able to defend at this rate. He is also one of the reason why Israel is still here.

Chancellor Angela Merkel- She is trying to increase child care to make government more popular. Her approval rate went as low has 36% last year but since she handled Germany's liquidation crisis is went back up to 68%.

David Cameron- When a man was captured in Africa. David booked a plane to Africa to go work with hostage negotiation.

Francois Hollande- He supports withdrawing French troops from Afghanistan by the end of 2012. He also hopes to have a 0% deficit by 2017.

Dilma Rousseff- She is the first woman and socialist to take the presidency. She was also jailed in 1970 and tortured

President Hugo Chavez- There major source of money is oil, which he is smart, so because of this they are making more money on oil from when he first got into office. He also made laws which made the food quality improve.

Saudi Arabia-
Abdullah bin-abdleaziz-He was the commander of the Saudi Arabian national guard. They were threatened by Al-Qaeda so they had to take political options to stop it.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Blog #33 - Reviewz

Well we finally got back to Human Geo after a whole week of missing it. We went over the test answers. I got a 96% on the test. The only things I got wrong were the Muslim questions like where they pray to and that is Mecca. Then we went over the world leaders in a matter of like 5 minutes or less, we were speeding. The main reason why I'm not going to put all the leaders on the blog since they are already here on the blog and it would just get repetitive. Otherwise I thought that I did well with the test and I did. Though I was surprised that some people failed, that Mr. Schick said that 9 people or so failed. Though I could sort of see why it surprised