Monday, November 5, 2012

Blog 34-World Leader Traits

Enrique Penaniteo-He has tried to increase his counties security rather than attack the drug cartel. He has figured out ways to increase the private sector with using oil imports.

Hu Jintao- During the SARS outbreak in Hong Kong, he tried to cover it up until it got to big to contain. He is also the longest serving leader int he G-20 counties.

Pranab Mukherjee- He was voted the best finance manager in 1984. He removed all tax benefits from his country.

Hamid Karzai- He helped the US army in Afghanistan complete missions, he helped them. He set up a court of people to reinstate people who were removed for fraud. The taliban ran the country before him.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad- In 2012, Ahmadinejad claimed that AIDS was created by the West in order to weaken poorer countries, and repeated a previous claim that homosexual Iranians did not exist. He has also described gays as "thieves" and "ugly"

benjamin Netanyahu- He cut all special forces from the military but he raised the budget by 6%. Though the military wont be able to defend at this rate. He is also one of the reason why Israel is still here.

Chancellor Angela Merkel- She is trying to increase child care to make government more popular. Her approval rate went as low has 36% last year but since she handled Germany's liquidation crisis is went back up to 68%.

David Cameron- When a man was captured in Africa. David booked a plane to Africa to go work with hostage negotiation.

Francois Hollande- He supports withdrawing French troops from Afghanistan by the end of 2012. He also hopes to have a 0% deficit by 2017.

Dilma Rousseff- She is the first woman and socialist to take the presidency. She was also jailed in 1970 and tortured

President Hugo Chavez- There major source of money is oil, which he is smart, so because of this they are making more money on oil from when he first got into office. He also made laws which made the food quality improve.

Saudi Arabia-
Abdullah bin-abdleaziz-He was the commander of the Saudi Arabian national guard. They were threatened by Al-Qaeda so they had to take political options to stop it.

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