Monday, December 3, 2012

Blog #47- China has car!

Well today in Human Geo we watched part 3 of the video. The reason why we are on part 3 is because Mr. Schick doesn't like part 2 or 4. So part 3 is about how China’s auto industry is growing very fast.  They predict that by the end of 2030 China’s auto industry will be much bigger than the US. Though the main problem with this is because the auto industry just came to China everyone, is being taught how to drive. So imagine New York with everyone being a bad driver, there would accidents all the time. They say that their is around 400 accidents a DAY. So they people try to exchange their information and anything else they need to do fast. If it takes to much time or the accident is severe enough, the police will step in. The officers will say that one person is 90% to blame and the other person is 10%. So they pay what is needed. So insurance companies are trying to make the process more streamlined and make a name for themselves. Though they are not sure if it will work. They also have to build all the roads by hand. So they are hand digging holes for support beams for the highways. Overall it is starting to grow, though they have much still to go before it is mostly perfect like the US.

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