Friday, December 7, 2012

Blog #50-Cars Cars Cars

Well we covered a little more today in Human Geo today. We talked about what we learned first. We watched how the Chinese love cars. The only problems with that over 2000 cars are being put on the road a day. It’s a problem because they don’t have the same standards for emissions and safety. So there cars are horribly polluting the atmosphere, so as of now Beijing in one of the dirtiest cities in the world. It’s also bad since their cars are not very safe in the slightest. When they tested the cars, they were totaled on crashes that US safe cars would survive. If they don’t change these two things they can never hope to sell cars to the US if they are the way they are now. They hope to sell American cars assembled in China to America but that is what people are trying to avoid. 

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