Wednesday, August 29, 2012

greek paper not sure if do?

So Our first real assignment is to compare greek words with a message to Garcia. The first word was arĂȘte which means mountains. If you compare it to message from Garcia the mountains refer to what Rowan had to cross, as challenge, the other definition is knowledge or feelings. The second word polis it means citizenship. So this is all the people in for working. Socrates was a brilliant greek scholar. So to the story he is the man everyone wanted and for school he is the teacher for us to learn. Socrates was sentenced to death by poison. The date 508 BC had a lot of wars and the first political system. Agora in greek means meeting place, it could be referred to the town where the servant got drinks and forgot his task.The final word it idiot which means one with lack of skill. So in the story this is all the workers who have no skill and are being laid off. This is all that I could think of.

Blog #3 More Classes but still no Progress

Today in Human Geography we got nowhere. We had four new students in our class which means we got nothing done. The class helped them try to set up their stuff like their blog and their in school email. I mainly just messed with my settings on my computer then I helped Evan get on his PowerSchool account. The other thing that we did in class is that we ate donuts. I found it funny that we put the new kids on the wall. The other thing I found funny was when Holly wrote Garfield instead of Garcia.  So when we had like 10 min left of class I started righting this blog while in class. As I said class we really did nothing. The closest thing to learning was talking to the new kid that’s it. I can’t really think of 150 words to describe that class. So that is what we did in class today not much, actually not at all

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Class Blog #2 Time well spent

Today in our magical class of human geography, Mr. Schick talked about a poem called “A message To Garcia”. The poem was a giant metaphor about how lazy people are and how they are becoming lazier. The poem was written by Elbert Hubbard. The poem started out about how the president needed to get a message to Garcia on Cuba. No one would do it except for a man named Rowan. Rowan was an example of how some people will do any job to the best of their ability. Then he used a metaphor about asking a servant to find a book and all he made was excuses about how he couldn’t do it. Then while Mr. Schick was reading it he kicked the stool across the room. After that we spent the rest of the class talking about how natural selection worked. So otherwise we had a pretty productive class time. Time well spent.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Class Blog #1

Today was the first real of class. I was surprised everyone brought their stuff. In class really nothing happened. We just went over the rules of the class. The main thing that was knew was when we tried to get everyone on the internet. I was fun because I just sat there and started helping people with their computers. I managed to help them get on the internet and I was happy I did that. Then after that I used free rice. I didn’t know half of them because they were these little countries that no one knew. The only way I could get most of them was through trial and error. Finally after a long time I managed to memorize the patterns. I managed to get like 1000 grains after a while. So I am looking forward to the rest of the year. If it goes like these past classes, it will be really fun.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

First Homework for Schick

My first day at John Carroll was different from what I imagined. When I first got to School I was nervous about basically everything.  So I said hi to my friends from Trinity and then I continued through the day. Since I am the only boy that come to John Carroll from my school, when the boys and girls split I knew only one person. The person I knew, he went to my school in sixth grade.  As we went through the day I started to talk to people. So because I started to talk to people I made two new friends. At that point I wasn’t really nervous anymore. I had people that I could talk to and the day started to look up. The classes that we went to throughout the day were interesting, the teachers seem fun. One teacher was a bit annoying when he made the class do homework before school even starts. I’m not going to name any names. Over all it was an interesting first day of school, and I’m looking forward to the rest of the year. 

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