Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Blog #3 More Classes but still no Progress

Today in Human Geography we got nowhere. We had four new students in our class which means we got nothing done. The class helped them try to set up their stuff like their blog and their in school email. I mainly just messed with my settings on my computer then I helped Evan get on his PowerSchool account. The other thing that we did in class is that we ate donuts. I found it funny that we put the new kids on the wall. The other thing I found funny was when Holly wrote Garfield instead of Garcia.  So when we had like 10 min left of class I started righting this blog while in class. As I said class we really did nothing. The closest thing to learning was talking to the new kid that’s it. I can’t really think of 150 words to describe that class. So that is what we did in class today not much, actually not at all

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