Wednesday, August 29, 2012

greek paper not sure if do?

So Our first real assignment is to compare greek words with a message to Garcia. The first word was arĂȘte which means mountains. If you compare it to message from Garcia the mountains refer to what Rowan had to cross, as challenge, the other definition is knowledge or feelings. The second word polis it means citizenship. So this is all the people in for working. Socrates was a brilliant greek scholar. So to the story he is the man everyone wanted and for school he is the teacher for us to learn. Socrates was sentenced to death by poison. The date 508 BC had a lot of wars and the first political system. Agora in greek means meeting place, it could be referred to the town where the servant got drinks and forgot his task.The final word it idiot which means one with lack of skill. So in the story this is all the workers who have no skill and are being laid off. This is all that I could think of.

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