Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Blog #9- Diverse Topics

We had one interesting class discussion is class today. The First part of the class we went over the world fact book questions. Then we talked about HIV is a problem all over the world but mostly is Africa and India. Now for the part that Mr. Schick probably wouldn’t want us to talk about but we had a mini sex Ed. class. It’s sad how America is 18th on the list out of 200 some countries. Then we talked about how we are only 29% catholic and Mexico is like 79%. I fact I found interesting about the “Did you know” video, was the part about the computers being smarter than a human in a couple of years. Then it will be smarter than all the humans on earth combined by 2060. That’s kind of a scary thought. I also found interesting that the top 10 jobs didn’t even exist 5 years ago. That shows how our society is changing.

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