Arête is one of the best words to describe Ancient Greece. Arête
means a sense of what is right, knowing what the right direction is and not
straying from what you think it right. Socrates is a prime example when it comes to
this subject. Socrates was a philosopher who thought of many different theories.
One of his theories is that the sun is its own separate body. It isn’t Apollo
on his chariot riding across the sky. So he taught people this and the
government wasn’t happy about this so they issued a trail. Socrates was found
guilty and sentenced to death. Socrates could of escaped and have been done
with it. But he decided that he would stay and except his fate. He died for
what he believed in. He could’ve run but he chose not to, he stood up for what
he thought was right. The Greeks themselves also demonstrated Arête. They set
up democracy because they believed that having a ruler was wrong. So they set
up their own way of doing things. Which till this day most of the world this that
is right. Arête is something we still need today.
Good summary, Liam! 25/25.