Sunday, October 28, 2012

World Leaders

I was having some problems putting the work in the blog, so I made a Google Docs page for it and put the link here.


Friday, October 26, 2012

Blog #32- Another test bits the dust

Well today Human Geo was well … what can I say we had a test. It also seems that every time we have a test Mr. Schick is nowhere to be found. He always seems to be missing every other week which is somewhat weird. Well I studied for the test … all first mod and advisory so I was prepared. I was scared that the test was going to be hard, but at the same time I wasn’t too scared because I had a high grade in the class already. We had Mr. Hughs for a sub and he wasn’t that bad. And of course every time Schick isn’t here, he has to assign work which is very annoying but whatever. The test was pretty easy in my opinion, I think I studied a bit too much since I knew most of it, and then some but what can I say. I hope Schick had fun on his little vacation thing.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Blog #31- We were very very very v....

In Human Geo today all we did was study, and or work on homework. I worked on homework. The class was very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very productive. This is all we did you today, we didn’t learn anything either since we were so far ahead.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Blog- #30 ta da # 30

Today in Human Geography Mr. Schick had us do some different stuff in class. First of we had a shadow his name was Dylan Kidd. I knew him from my old school; he is a grade below me. So Mr. Schick did his little shtick about asking something about them and what Dylan told him gave him the nickname shark boy. Then we continued working on what we were doing before, though Mr. Schick had the bright idea to let us pick the test questions. We had some different questions that Mr. Schick liked though some others were either bad or trick questions. The different questions included did the Europeans conquer America, who was the enlightened one, what is the oldest religion on the list, and more. The reason why I'm not including more is because I left my book at school. So otherwise we are slowly gaining more questions.  

Friday, October 19, 2012

Blog #29- So close but no cigar

Today in Human Geo we got very close to finishing the world religions. We also had a shadow come and he taught some of the class by Mr. Schick’s permission. So we continued on Buddhism first. We had a little rant on how Buddha wasn't fat and he skinny on the verge of death. Then we talked about the reincarnation cycle that you can either go up or down depending on how well you did in a past life. Then when you reach the top you obtain nirvana. The next religion was Hinduism. We didn’t really cover a lot with this one because Mr. Schick didn’t know a lot about it. We just talked about its population and that you can choose to worship different gods. Then last but not least was Judaism, which we didn’t finish. It’s based on having a one on one connection with God. It is the smallest religion on the list at 16 million. Judaism, Islam, and Christianity are all the same religion base with all believing the in same God. 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Blog #28-More of ze religions

Today is human geography we covered some more world religions. We covered the rest of the Islamic religion. We sort of reviewed most of the Islamic stuff but since their was a lot of questions it still took time out of the class. Then for a little bit we talked about the religious extremists and what is considered to be extreme like 9/11. We explained that Al Qaeda was just that. They next religion that we started was Buddhism. The son of a great king named Siddartha Gautama. A prophecy predicted that he would be either a great king or a great spiritual leader. So his father knew this and tried to keep him in the castle so that he would not leave and see the world. Though similar to Aladdin, the prince snuck out and saw the saw world. He said that he could not live in Luxury when people are staring and stuff. So he meditated and found the way which led to Buddhism.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Blog #27- More of Ze Vorld Religions

In Human Geo today we started to go over the world project that we did on Friday. The first religion that we got to in class was Christianity. They believe that Christianity was started around 40 ad.  That the main person of the religion is Jesus and that he weren’t popular during his life. Then we did the other questions like is Christianity mono or polytheistic which it is. Then the holy book is called the bible. Then we took around 20 min just asking questions and stuff. Then the next religion was Islam. The main person of the religion was Mahmoud you lived between 570-620 ish, he died when he was 50. The Muslims don’t believe Jesus is the son of god, they believe he is the son of God. Their holy book is the Qur’an.  Then we spent 20 more minutes asking questions. That is about how far we got in class.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Blog #26- Ze World Religions

Fridays class we didn't have Mr. Schick. We had Mr. Perry for a substitute. This was really fun because a lot of people in the class had him for science. So he just made fun of us, and the people who have never had him got to learn his standards which was pretty funny. Then we saw the giant project Schick left us, and everyone sighed. So we had to do something of world religions. Over all Christianity was the easiest for me since I have always gone to a christian school, I didn't have to look up as much. The other religions were harder since I had no idea what any of them were. The project wasn't fun, and i just found it cruel. Though i did finish it on the first day because of free mods. In my opinion the hardest religion was Hinduism because of the the different exceptions like how it is either Polytheism or Monotheism depending on the person. I didn't enjoy this project but I know Schick can do worse so i'm thankful.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Giant World Religion Project!!!

There are many different world religions the main religions include Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism and Judaism. The First religion that I'm going to explain is Christianity. The religion was founded in the area of Israel. It is a Monotheistic religion, which means it only has one God. Christians have a holy book; the book is called the Bible. There are 2.18 billion Christians in the world today. The central figure in the religion is God, but he can be broken into three different parts God, Jesus and The Holy Spirit. The largest amount of Christians are located in the United States are America.
            The next Religion is Islam. Islam was founded on the West Coast of Saudi Arabia, near the area of Mecca. Islam is a Monotheistic Religion. The Muslims Holy book is called the Qur’an. In 2009 there were over 1.6 billion Muslims the worlds.  The God of Islam is called Allah. Most of the Muslims are found in the Middle East. The Islamic Religion was a split path religion from Judaism just like Christianity.
            Another Religion was Buddhism. Buddhism was founded near Northern India. Technically Buddhism is Monotheistic because there are many different forms of Buddha but they all are still Buddha. Buddhism has no holy unlike the other Religions so far. Buddhism has anywhere from 300 to 500 million followers. The Buddhist religion does not believe in a God, they find it unimportant, but the closest thing they have to a God is Buddha. The largest amount of Buddhists can be found in China.
The next sort of different religion is Hinduism. It was founded in Ancient India. Hinduism is Polytheistic, it has many different Gods, and though it will change depending on what you domination you are. Hinduism has 3 different sacred texts; The Upanishads is the oldest and most mystical. The Mahaburata has all the stories, and the Vedas are the most philosophical. Hinduism religion has around 850 million followers. Since they have many different gods, the main God is Brahman. India has the largest Hindu population at around 780 million people.
            The final religion I will be covering is of course Judaism. People are not sure exactly where it came from but it is believed to have come from either Israel (if so by Abraham) or Samaria (if so Moses) though most of people agree with Israel. It is a Monotheistic Religion. The Jewish sacred text is called the Torah, or the first five books of the Bible. There are 14-16 million Jews in the world, making it one of the world’s smallest religions. Jews have many different names for their one God, and these names are Elohim, El, El Shaddai, Adonai, Elyon, and Avinu. Most of the Jews live in the US and Israel ( They are tied at around 5.5 million Jews each) . There are many different world religions and it isn’t bad that they are different.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Blog #25- Not similar?

Today is class we are on our second PowerPoint, which is some major progress in Human Geo. We started talking about what can make or break a country. Those things include religion, ethnic backgrounds, and language. Since when you all have the same language, you feel more comfortable, and you will be more open to people. It is also better to have the same religion, because overtime religion might drive to parties apart, and even to go to war against each other. There are many differences in the world and that is not necessarily a bad thing. If we all had the same religion and all spoke the same language. We would be as boring as North Korea. They all speak the same language, and they all have the same religion ( for the most part). It is good for everyone to be different. The world is special because of how diverse it is. 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Blog #24- All the fail in the world.

Well today in Human Geo we learned some different things, and there was some fail and it wasn’t our group. We covered 3 different cultures, my groups culture was the Native Americans, The Vikings, and The Europeans. I already covered the Native Americans in my last blog, but the one thing I have to mention is of course they got to America around 12,000 to 17,000 years ago. It was mentioned around 3 to 4 times during the powerpoint. Then the next group was The Vikings, and they were interesting. The founded America and they left because they didn’t see any use with it. They came here and thought that the effort that it takes to get here wasn’t worth the reward, and while you are at it the Natives were also attacking them. The final group was The Europeans which is full of fail. I don’t think I have to explain the Europeans, but the group failed. They said that the Europeans didn’t conquer America, and they weren’t sent by anyone to come here. Over all I learned a lot and I hope there isn’t any more fail, during the rest of the unit (no I don’t).

Monday, October 8, 2012

Blog #23- Something Different

Well we are finally covering something different. We are now looking at cultures and the first three that we are looking at are Vikings, Europeans, and Native Americans. Our group had Native Americans, and I learned some different I didn’t know before. I learned for one that they first arrived in American around 20,000 in now what is Alaska. They crossed over using the Bering Strait which connected Asia and the America’s during the Ice Age. They spread from Canada all the way to South America. They were the first Culture in America, so they got all the land that they wanted. They had a very diverse culture. They really weren't that different to their European counterparts. They were building Pyramids that looked different but they were roughly the same. It’s sad that we kicked them off their land, that wasn't fair to them. They are the same as us, and we shouldn't forget that we are on there lands.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Blog #22- Another Test

Well today is class we had another test, it would be surprising if the title didn’t give it way already. Well we had around 15 minutes to study for the test; I did take the time to study though. I feel like I did well on most of the questions. I think I only got around 2 or 3 questions wrong (not counting spelling). I don’t except it will be better than my first test but who knows (Mr. Schick) Though on the other hand, I didn’t do the best with the blogs I had so in the long run I could’ve done better but I didn't and it was my fault. So over all the test wasn't as bad as I thought it was. It was easy though all I remembered was the later stuff which was the only things in the blog. They didn’t really help but that’s my fault. I hope that we can help the people in Sudan sometime this year.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Blog #21- Charity

In class we started to look at all the different charities to help Sudan. We looked at John Bulls yesterday, and part of today. Then we started to look at the charities the other class has put on there too. When we finished yesterday, we were at 2 pages, well after the other class we are on 5 pages. This gives us plenty of choices for a charity, but then it will make it harder to pick one that we will use. Then we looked at a water charity. In short that charity will dig wells so that the people of Sudan will be able to drink clean water. Then the next one that I remember was the charity from Panther. This charity will build a school for Sudan. Mr. Schick said he would try to contact him like John Bull. So over all I think that a charity that will help them get food, water, or medical care would probably be the best choice in my opinion. 

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Blog # 20- The small amount of work done

We didn't really accomplish as much as we have done before. We went over some stuff, and then we started on the main part of class. Mr. Schick got an email from John Bull saying that he will come to the school and talk but we need to pay for it. So that may not happen anytime soon. Then after that we started to look up foundations and then put them on a google dox. The main problem with that is that we are childish. Some people started to delete things, than which got annoying is when people started typing stuff while you were trying to type. So then Schick started to yell at us about what was happening, it got a little better. Though someone kept messing with what I was trying to type. I was trying to type and they were pasting something from their thing in my text while I was typing. Then when I deleted it, they kept doing it. So it got annoying but it worked a little bit. If you want to have this work, try to limit what some people can do. 

Monday, October 1, 2012

Blog #19-The End

The lost boys have come very far from when they first came to America. Most of them got a better education, and they are trying their best to improve living conditions back home in Sudan. Every year or so they have a lost boys meeting so that they can see how far each of them have gotten. Panther went to school and got his high school diploma and he is trying for his bachelor's. When he is all done with school he will try to build a school in Sudan so they can be educated. Since they have many things in their country which they can exploit if they had an education. Panther also went back to the camp and married his girlfriend. Then John Bull has taken three jobs to try to help his family. He finally meet his mom after 17 years of being separated. Then he founded a non profit organization and trying to build a medical Clinic in his home town. While Daniel is still going through College and he hasn't found his family yet. They have all come a long way, and they shouldn't stop where they are, they should keep going.