Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Blog #28-More of ze religions

Today is human geography we covered some more world religions. We covered the rest of the Islamic religion. We sort of reviewed most of the Islamic stuff but since their was a lot of questions it still took time out of the class. Then for a little bit we talked about the religious extremists and what is considered to be extreme like 9/11. We explained that Al Qaeda was just that. They next religion that we started was Buddhism. The son of a great king named Siddartha Gautama. A prophecy predicted that he would be either a great king or a great spiritual leader. So his father knew this and tried to keep him in the castle so that he would not leave and see the world. Though similar to Aladdin, the prince snuck out and saw the saw world. He said that he could not live in Luxury when people are staring and stuff. So he meditated and found the way which led to Buddhism.

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