Friday, October 12, 2012

Giant World Religion Project!!!

There are many different world religions the main religions include Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism and Judaism. The First religion that I'm going to explain is Christianity. The religion was founded in the area of Israel. It is a Monotheistic religion, which means it only has one God. Christians have a holy book; the book is called the Bible. There are 2.18 billion Christians in the world today. The central figure in the religion is God, but he can be broken into three different parts God, Jesus and The Holy Spirit. The largest amount of Christians are located in the United States are America.
            The next Religion is Islam. Islam was founded on the West Coast of Saudi Arabia, near the area of Mecca. Islam is a Monotheistic Religion. The Muslims Holy book is called the Qur’an. In 2009 there were over 1.6 billion Muslims the worlds.  The God of Islam is called Allah. Most of the Muslims are found in the Middle East. The Islamic Religion was a split path religion from Judaism just like Christianity.
            Another Religion was Buddhism. Buddhism was founded near Northern India. Technically Buddhism is Monotheistic because there are many different forms of Buddha but they all are still Buddha. Buddhism has no holy unlike the other Religions so far. Buddhism has anywhere from 300 to 500 million followers. The Buddhist religion does not believe in a God, they find it unimportant, but the closest thing they have to a God is Buddha. The largest amount of Buddhists can be found in China.
The next sort of different religion is Hinduism. It was founded in Ancient India. Hinduism is Polytheistic, it has many different Gods, and though it will change depending on what you domination you are. Hinduism has 3 different sacred texts; The Upanishads is the oldest and most mystical. The Mahaburata has all the stories, and the Vedas are the most philosophical. Hinduism religion has around 850 million followers. Since they have many different gods, the main God is Brahman. India has the largest Hindu population at around 780 million people.
            The final religion I will be covering is of course Judaism. People are not sure exactly where it came from but it is believed to have come from either Israel (if so by Abraham) or Samaria (if so Moses) though most of people agree with Israel. It is a Monotheistic Religion. The Jewish sacred text is called the Torah, or the first five books of the Bible. There are 14-16 million Jews in the world, making it one of the world’s smallest religions. Jews have many different names for their one God, and these names are Elohim, El, El Shaddai, Adonai, Elyon, and Avinu. Most of the Jews live in the US and Israel ( They are tied at around 5.5 million Jews each) . There are many different world religions and it isn’t bad that they are different.

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